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We see the participation of people with disabilities in our program as a principle of our project. Therefore we work continuously on creating accessibility and inclusion and are accompanied in this process by experts in the field. To ensure that all our guests feel comfortable and welcome, we have compiled an overview of relevant information for people with physical or sensory disabilities or other impairments. We hope this will make your stay with us easier. We're always available for questions and feedback:


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Ticketing & Escort

The majority of our events are accessible and free of charge. For paid events, guests with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses may bring an escort free of charge. Since we also recognize medically and officially unregistered disabilities, we do not require the presentation of a disabled person's ID card. It is not a prerequisite. If you are unsure,  contact

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Public Transport

The nearest accessible stop is the Jungfernheide S-Bahn station. You can reach it with the U7, S41 and S42 lines, as well as various regional trains and bus lines. The elevators are regularly checked for functionality by our team before events.

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Arrival by car

We provide parking spaces at the venue. Please contact us so we can register your number plate:

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Assistance dogs

Trained assistance dogs are of course welcome. Exercise facilities and green areas are available outside the event area


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Location and surfaces

The majority of our events are accessible and free of charge. For paid events, guests with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses may bring an escort free of charge. Since we also recognize medically and officially unregistered disabilities, we do not require the presentation of a disabled person's ID card. It is not a prerequisite. If you are unsure,  contact

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Ramps & seating

A raised platform is installed in front of the stage to provide better visibility for wheelchair users, among others. Upon request, we will be happy to provide seating for accompanying persons on the platform.

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Vision impaired guests

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to install a tactile guidance system. Visitors who are blind or visually impaired can contact us and be guided through the grounds. If you come without an escort we will be happy to pick you up at the nearest bus stop. Please notify us at least 24 hours in advance:

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Assistance dogs

Trained assistance dogs are of course welcome. Exercise facilities and green areas are available outside the event area


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Awareness team

At our events, a trained awareness team is on duty to assist you in case of critical incidents and other events. In addition, all of our employees are sensitized to discrimination. Should an emergency occur or a critical situation be observed, you can contact all employees. They can immediately call out the awareness team.

You can reach the awareness team directly:
+4915901614789 (Phone, WhatsApp)
- at the Awareness Point

The Awareness Point is a large tent at entrance of the Alte Frachtkantine. The awareness team is 5 people, wearing pink vests.

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There are two accessible Toilets at the venue. You can ask the Awareness Team for more information.

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Sign language

The majority of our events are held in spoken language and with music/audio signals. For individual events we can provide interpretation into German sign language. You can find information about this in the respective event's descriptions.

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Audio description

Unfortunately, we cannot provide a full live audio description for our program. For programs with a visually outstanding concept, we'll place a picture description in the respective event's information. Should you require further descriptions, please contact our team in advance or on site.

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Contents and texts

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to offer all information in plain language. If you have any communication problems on the website or on site, please feel free to contact us by mail or in person, so that we can provide the best possible communication assistance.

Sensitive program points are marked with a content note ("trigger warning"). In it, you will find information about particularly sensitive content that could trigger emotional or psychological reactions. You will find information on this in the respective event information.

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Relaxation room

Unfortunately, we cannot provide a separate relaxation room. However, the seating is arranged in such a way that breaks can also be taken further away from the stage area.

Die Entwicklung der Modellfläche TXL wird gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Umgesetzt wird dieser Prozess durch eine Kooperation der Geschäftsstelle des Berliner Projektfonds Urbane Praxis der Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung, der Clubcommission e.V. und der Kulturraum Berlin gGmbH. Die Initiative Barrierefrei feiern begleitet und berät im Prozess alle Akteur*innen zu Themen der Barrierefreiheit.

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